Oakmoor School, originally Mill Chase Academy, an established local school, moved from its previous location to a new school situated on Budds Lane in November 2019. It opened as a six-form entry secondary school with room to expand as needed in future years to an eight form entry school. This new education facility includes:
• A floodlit 3G football pitch
• 3 x junior 11-a-side pitches
• 2 x junior 9-a-side pitches
• 2 x 7-a-side pitches
• 1 x 5-a-side pitches
• 1 x rugby pitch
• 2 x tennis courts
• New sports hall (6 court facility)
Hampshire County Council has given the go ahead to spend a total of £9,250,000 on an extension to Oakmoor School, Bordon, enabling a further 300 children to attend the school in the future. Find out more here.
Bordon Junior and Infants Schools are expanding by adding one additional form entry to accommodate the expansion of the town.
A new primary school of up to three-form entry will also be delivered in later phases on designated land, and will include a Junior 9 vs 9 football pitch.
Opened in September 2017, the Future Skills Centre in Bordon offers a wide range of construction courses designed to meet the needs of employers in the construction industry. The £3.8 million facility gives you the opportunity to learn a trade, gain professional qualifications through our links with Solent University or get the skills needed for a career in the construction industry.
Park and Stride, to Bordon Infant and Junior Schools, can be accessed using one of the allocated car parks.